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July 12, 2004

Judge Speedy — I mean Cassell — speaks again

Though I will let someone else call him Superman, I will say that Judge Cassell is faster than a speeding bullet (or should I say faster than a speeding modem). Though I find it hard to believe, Judge Paul Cassell has already issued another opinion in US. v. Croxford (background here and here), in which the Judge responds to the Seventh Circuit's Booker decision (background here) from this past Friday, and he also reponds to the Fifth Circuit's decision in Pineiro (background here), which was handed down only a few hours ago!!
Here's a link to access all three Croxford decisions.
UPDATE: My quick review of the opinion yesterday missed the exciting news that this blog, and the article by Professors King and Klein available here, are cited in footnote 33. Cool.

I can also report that Judge Cassell is yet another all-star sentencing mind slated to speak at tomorrow's Senate Judiciary Committee hearing. Not only is that good news because the Senate should hear from as many bright, thoughtful persons as possible, but it also means that I can hope to catch up on my required Judge Cassell reading while he's busy with the Senators.

July 12, 2004 at 04:56 PM | Permalink


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Not only is that good news because the Senate should hear from as many bright

Posted by: Robe de Cocktail Pas Cher | Dec 12, 2012 3:18:43 AM

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