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July 1, 2004
More Blakely resources for Californians and others
The folks at The First District Appellate Project (FDAP), a non-profit law office located in San Francisco, deserve much credit for already providing the most detailed and effective resources on the potential impact of Blakely. Though the two great memos they have already posted here are only focused on what Blakely means for California state cases, their analysis and their plans to provide sample brief should be of great help to folks trying to deal with Blakely issues throughout the country. Keep up the good work, FDAP.
July 1, 2004 at 08:53 AM | Permalink
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More Blakely resources for Californians and others, their analysis and their plans to provide sample brief should be of great help to folks trying to deal with Blakely issues throughout the country.
Posted by: Robe de Cocktail Pas Cher | Dec 12, 2012 1:56:16 AM