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July 2, 2004

Resources for those weekend plans

Well, the holiday weekend has all but officially started, and still no official word from the USSC or DOJ. I suppose that fact can help limit the number of footnotes that are needed in all the habeas petitions that will be drafted this weekend. In all seriousness, if it proves to be a busy Blakely weekend, and I'll see what I can do to keep up. For those who will be drafting, I would expect the NACDL Blakely page and the FDAP Blakely page to have more helpful resources soon.

In the meantime, I've already found available a sample Defendant's Memorandum in Aid of Resentencing courtesy of The Office of the Federal Public Defender for the District of District of Columbia.

UPDATE: Jason D. Hawkins, AFPD in the Northern District of Texas was kind enough to send along his Supplemental Objection to a Presentence Report that he just filed, which now should be available at the top of this post. As he put it, apparently I "correctly noted there will be many people drafting (including me) over the July 4 weekend and maybe this will help lighten the load
for some."
Download Supplemental_Objection_PSR_JH.wpd

ANOTHER UPDATE: Peter Goldberger, an advisory board member at FAMM, a full time federal criminal sentencing and appellate practitioner, a former law prof, and a NACDL activist, was kind enough to send along "a six-page supplemental memo for a sentencing coming up in a couple of weeks [with] removed client identifying info." It, too, should be available here.
Download sample_blakely_sentencing_memo.doc

July 2, 2004 at 04:38 PM | Permalink


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Sentencing Law and Policy reports: Jason D. Hawkins, AFPD in the Northern District of Texas was kind enough to send along his Supplemental Objection to a Presentence Report that he just filed. (In Word); Wordperfect version is here. I've already... [Read More]

Tracked on Jul 4, 2004 12:23:51 AM


Hello Professor,

I am the computer person for the FPD in Washington, DC. We updated our Blakely website today if you are interested.

Thank you,
Steve Campbell

Posted by: Steve Campbell | Jul 8, 2004 11:20:53 AM

AFPD in the Northern District of Texas was kind enough to send along his Supplemental Objection to a Presentence Report that he just filed.

Posted by: Robe de Cocktail Pas Cher | Dec 12, 2012 1:49:25 AM

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