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July 30, 2004

Taking stock of the Blakely world

A number of others are doing a great job this morning taking stock of our ever-changing Blakely world.

Marcia Oddi over at the Indiana Law Blog has this helpful post reviewing the status of Blakely in the Seventh Circuit and in Indiana state courts. Jason Hernandez at the Blakely Blog has this post linking to the helpful California Blakely materials being assembled and posted by the First District Appellate Project, as well as this post spanning the Blakely globe.

And, of special interest for Supreme Court junkies, Lyle Denniston at the SCOTUSBlog has this post reviewing the details of the two cases that defense lawyers hope will be the vehicles for Supreme Court consideration of what Blakely means for federal sentencing.

July 30, 2004 at 11:44 AM | Permalink


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Jason Hernandez at the Blakely Blog has this post linking to the helpful California Blakely materials being assembled and posted by the First District Appellate Project, as well as this post spanning the Blakely globe.

Posted by: Robe de Soirée 2013 | Dec 14, 2012 1:09:59 AM

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