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July 9, 2004

The 11th Circuit speaks again!

Setting the pace from the other circuits, I just got word that the 11th Circuit now has a second Blakely opinions in the books. Here, in In re Dean, the 11th Circuit has held that Blakely cannot form the basis for authorizing a second or successive habeas filing. Apparently this is "another nationwide first," as far as we can tell.

July 9, 2004 at 03:09 PM | Permalink


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Physicist and defendant in a federal fraud case.

Posted by: Jamie Edelkind | Jul 22, 2004 9:13:47 PM

What´s up Jaime Edelkind.
I found You...
send me a e-mail.

Posted by: Hilton Taguchi | Aug 3, 2004 12:04:42 PM

I just got word that the 11th Circuit now has a second Blakely opinions in the books.

Posted by: Robe de Cocktail Pas Cher | Dec 12, 2012 3:02:53 AM

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