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August 24, 2004
If you're in DC looking for a Blakely fix...
For those of you who cannot get enough Blakely — and, honestly, who can? — remember that there are two gatherings of note this week in DC which will be addressing, directly or indirectly, the future of the federal sentencing system.
First, as noted before here, the US Sentencing Commission has scheduled a public meeting for Wednesday, August 25, 2004 at 10a.m. Though Blakely is not on the official agenda (available here), I have to think the USSC's discussion at this meeting must cover some Blakely ground.
Second, the Federalist Society together with the Cato Institute will be hosting on Thursday, August 26, 2004 at 12noon a program entitled "Blakely's Wake: Should the Federal Sentencing Guidelines Be Saved or Scrapped?". Links here and here provide more details about the event and the headliners slated to be involved.
August 24, 2004 at 01:44 PM | Permalink
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