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September 26, 2004
A Fall Classic?: More on 3 Strikes
Perhaps it is fitting as we head into baseball's playoff season that the baseball-metaphor criminal justice policy known as Three Strikes is getting a second look in California. (As a baseball aside, this article highlights that California is a particularly interesting baseball state these days.)
I detailed last week here some of the on-going debate over Proposition 66, the initiative on the November ballot to amend California's Three Strikes law, and a newly released report should make a real impact on the debate and will likely help ensure that the fate of Proposition 66 is not clear until the late innnings of the election.
The new report is from the Justice Policy Institute and is entitled "3 Strikes & You're Out: An examination of 3-Strike Laws 10 years after their Enactment" (available here). The report marshals a terrific amount of data about the scope and impact of Three Strikes laws in California and other states. The report details that the rate of serious crime over the past 10 years has dropped roughly equivalent amounts in states with and states without Three Strikes laws. The report also highlights that California has incarcerated about four times as many convicts under its Three Strikes law as all 22 other states with such laws combined. Though chock-full of interesting data, I found these statistics particularly noteworthy concerning the scope of California's Three Strikes law:
Expressed as a rate per 100,000 residents, California's Three Strikes rate (119.3) is 18 times as great as the average for the other Three Strikes states (6.7).The 42,322 people incarcerated under California's Three Strikes law exceed the entire prison population of each of the other Three Strikes states, except Florida and Georgia.
This press release from JPI provides some more statistical highlights from the report, and this AP article details that different conclusions can be drawn from the report's reports. Also, at this link, you can access a well-done NPR story talking more generally about California's Three Strikes law and the debate over its possible amendment.
September 26, 2004 at 07:35 AM | Permalink
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I really like it but can you show pro
and con
Posted by: Raul | Apr 17, 2005 11:01:35 PM
i am the wife of an inmate who on her own time studies law on her own and have litigated a few cases in the district court of the northern district of california pro-se. my husband was convicted and sentenced under Andrade in california superior court county of sonoma who i might say is running amuck and violating the state sentencing guidelines and the federal ones also.my husband appealed his sentence based on inadmissable evidence and his case is pending under people v. cage right in cal. supreme court. when the supreme court shot down andrade theory sonoma county re-sentenced my husband without indictment under california three strile law even though he was sentenced to 6 years and serving that sentence. his whole case stinks of constitutionally violative odors including double jeopardy, and retaliation, because me his wife was also suing the county under 42 U.S.C. S. 1983 and the courts re-sentenced my husband in retaliation for my lawsuit which i took to the 9th circuit pro-se. my husband is also pro-se because his appointed appellate attorney cynthia a. thomas ineffectively represented him after she was appointed by the first appellate division in san francisco ca. not to mention she took case from him which is also misconduct on her part. this complete case stinks to high-heaven but we are just poor people who have to fight our own battles. please look into his case. there is no case precedent or any other it is a unique case which deserves attention i have also contacted FACTS.his california departmen t of corrections number is C12452 and his court case in the ca. supreme is S133504. also to corraborate the retaliation theory check out U.S.D.C. northern district of california cases C01-3026SBA and C01-3027PJH. thank
Posted by: christine jones | Apr 1, 2006 2:48:42 PM
Posted by: laptop battery | Oct 14, 2008 5:45:44 AM
I am the wife of fore-mentioned inmate from california C12452 mark a. Jones, who is in ca. Courts on appeal.
Posted by: Chris jones | Oct 12, 2010 5:40:50 AM