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September 28, 2004

Another FSR Blakely issue heading to press

I am pleased to report that I have now finalized the final edits on the second Federal Sentencing Reporter issue covering Blakely. (Details on the first FSR Blakely issue can be found here). This FSR issue is entitled "Considering the Post-Blakely World," and you can here download the cover (which reflects exact page numbers for articles which have heretofore only been "forthcoming"):
Download fsr_blakely_171_cover.pdf

At this link you can order a subscription to, or individual issues of, the Federal Sentencing Reporter. And though much prettier on the dowloadable cover, here is a handy list of the contents of the "Considering the Post-Blakely World:"

Frank O. Bowman, III, Function Over Formalism: A Provisional Theory of the Constitutional Law of Crime and Punishment

Albert W. Alschuler, To Sever or not to Sever? Why Blakely Requires Action by Congress
Steven L. Chanenson, Hoist with their Own Petard?
Larry Kupers, Proposal for a Viable Federal Sentencing Scheme in the Wake ofBlakely v. Washington
Jane L. McClellan & Jon M. Sands, The Hedgehog, The Fox, and the Guidelines: Blakely's Possible Implications for the "Safety Valve"
Aaron Rappaport, What the Supreme Court Should Do: Save Sentencing Reform, Gut the Guidelines
Ian Weinstein & Nathaniel Z. Marmur, Federal Sentencing During the Interregnum: Defense Practice as the Blakely Dust Settles

Jon Wool & Don Stemen, Aggravated Sentencing: Blakely v. Washington -- Practical Implications for State Sentencing Systems (Aug. 2004)
Rory K. Little & Teresa Chen, The Lost History of Apprendi and the Blakely Petition for Rehearing
Minnesota Sentencing Guidelines Commission, The Impact of Blakely v. Washington on Sentencing in Minnesota (Short-term report Aug. 2004)

September 28, 2004 at 09:25 PM | Permalink


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I'm a student in the process of writing a law review note on Blakely. This page is wonderful! Thank you!

Posted by: Kristina Walter | Nov 1, 2004 2:28:39 PM

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