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September 28, 2004

Debate Club and more resources

The fine folks at Legal Affairs were kind enough to invite me to participate in their Debate Club this week. As you can see here, the focus this week is on the question "Can the Court clean up its Blakely mess?" I have the great pleasure of sharing the virtual podium with my good friend Professor Stephanos Bibas, whose Yale Law Journal article on Apprendi was a topic of grand debate between Justice Scalia and Breyer in Blakely.

Though I realize that the Rules of Fight Club twice mandate that "You do not talk about Fight Club," I am pretty sure that the Rules of Debate Club are all about talking. And Stephanos and I are already talking up a storm. I have an entry expanding upon points I made here linking Blakely and theories of punishment, and I am sure lots of other ideas (both old and new) will find their way into the debate throughout the week.

Also, for the truly hard-core Blakely junkies, I have created (with the help of the fine tech folks at The Ohio State Univesity Moritz College of Law) a separate Blakely Basics resource page here. Among other items of interest, you can find on the page here a list of recent blog posts of note.

September 28, 2004 at 06:40 PM | Permalink


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