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September 16, 2004

Great work by my research assistant

In order to create a back-up of my efforts, I asked my wonderful research assistant to cut-and-paste the text of this blog into a word-processing document. Proving his wonderfulness, my RA created four distinct Word documents with imbedded links and a TOC to make it easier to see all that's here. Since a few folks have asked for printer-friendly versions of the blog, I thought I would post these efforts for downloading. But be forewarned, these documents are long --- apparently I have written a Blakely book in the last few months.

Download slp_blog_sept_1_to_sept_15.doc

Download slp_blog_aug_1_to_aug_31.doc

Download slp_blog_june_24_to_aug_1.doc

Download slp_blog_may_to_june_23.doc

September 16, 2004 at 02:14 PM | Permalink


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Just an FYI for those who don't want to download all of that, I just highlighted and copied yesterday's blog into my Word Perfect program and with just a little work on the document, got it to print on a normal 8 1/2 x 11. Not a lot of time invested doing it and I could save it on my hard drive. It would probably work on Microsoft Word also.

Posted by: Shelly | Sep 16, 2004 2:47:31 PM

Not just a book. I would say that by the time this whole thing is settled it will be more like a 3 or 4 volume set!

Posted by: Thomas J. Yerbich | Sep 16, 2004 3:36:37 PM

Not just a book. I would say that by the time this whole thing is settled it will be more like a 3 or 4 volume set!

Posted by: Thomas J, Yerbich | Sep 16, 2004 3:37:35 PM

And this RA's name is...?

Maybe s/he wants to remain private. But if I were him/her, I'd want my name attached to this blog. Someday when an opponent Googles your RA, he'll learn that he's messing with someone smart and competent enough to work for you. (!)

Posted by: Federalist No. 84 | Sep 16, 2004 6:08:09 PM

Doug, I have printed your BLOG daily since June 25th. I felt lucky to have found you. My husband had a base sentence of 6 months, through the process of a jury trial. At sentencing, due to enhancements he was sentenced to the lowest range of the guidelines, 63 months. At that time, we were both stunned, shocked and confused at what, why and how this could happen. Since June 24th and through daily review and study of your blog, I have become somewhat educated. He is white collar and at FPC Nellis. He has served 18 months. I have been filing all his motions pro se. His previously well funded attorneys wanted another twenty thousand to file his motion based on Blakely. On June 25th he had 5 days left to catch the time frame for his direct appeal. Because I filed on his behalf, he made the time frame for his motion to be on direct appeal. Every single day he receives a package with every page and every download of your blog. Thank You. He has become the go-to person at Nellis for all Blakely issues. Even the attorneys are now asking him questions and to clarify Blakely issues. I want you to know what a difference you are making in many peoples lives. I personally would love to be a student in your class. Although with the posting of your blog, I feel as though I have been. My husband is in the third circuit, so we are still waiting to hear from the judge. Wish he had your students for his law clerks.
Thank you again for all that you are doing.

Posted by: SANDY | Sep 29, 2004 10:08:11 PM

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