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September 3, 2004
Judge Posner on blogging
This article from the ABA Journal e-report discusses Seventh Circuit Judge Richard A. Posner's view of blogs and blogging after he spent a week as a guest blogger on lessig blog for Stanford Professor (and former Posner clerk) Lawrence Lessig. Just like Judge Posner's many posts, the article is an interesting, informative and amusing read.
Though I encourage reading the whole ABA article, this set of quotes seemed especially choice on a Friday afternoon (and coming from a person who made his name on law-and-economics insights):
"What worries me about the phenomenon is the time being consumed," says Posner. "There’s a lot of interesting material in the blogs and comments, but is it the best use of time?"
In the interest of full disclosure, I should note that I have sent an e-mail to Judge Posner — the author, recall, of the majority opinion in Booker — offering him the opportunity to guest blog in this space. I have not yet heard back from the Judge (though I noticed here that Judge Posner is already committed to guest blogging on Professor Brian Leiter's blog later this year).
Happy holiday weekend.
September 3, 2004 at 05:47 PM | Permalink
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» A waste of time? from Right Side of the Rainbow
From Judge Richard A. Posner of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit, who blogged here for a week: What worries me about the phenomenon is the time being consumed. There’s a lot of interesting material in the... [Read More]
Tracked on Sep 3, 2004 7:09:56 PM
Professor Berman,
As a departing law clerk in the Central District of California (today is my last day), I can emphatically say that, at a minimum, reading this blog has been far from a waste of time. Both my co-clerk and I found the thoughts raised in this forum were a great spring board for thinking about our own Blakley and Ameline issues. Particularly, we enjoyed the back and forth on retroactivity (Blakley Habeas petitions have already started to roll in) and the larger issue about how the "standard of review" may be the true watershed of the Blakely case.
I'll be an interested observer from the sidelines this fall as Booker and Fanfan play themselves out. Thanks for your energetic work!
Posted by: Grant | Sep 3, 2004 6:08:08 PM
Thanks. This is very meaningful to me. Much appreciated.
Posted by: Doug B. | Sep 3, 2004 6:40:49 PM
As a research attorney for a state appellate court monitoring Blakely developments, I can attest to the usefulness of your site. I use an online clipping service(among other things), and your site functions beautifully as an index to the more important cases among all the raw material the clipping service produces. As for non-case materials, such as articles and reports, I might not have found some of these at all but for your links. You're providing a fine service.
Posted by: Jeff | Sep 3, 2004 7:23:49 PM