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September 19, 2004
Mark your calenders, big weeks ahead
There are so many noteworthy and important sentencing events in the coming weeks, my PDA might just run out of memory. As noted below, September 21 is a major day for at least three reasons, and the Blakely fun does not let up after that at all:
1. As detailed here, the Heritage Foundation has scheduled for Tuesday, Sept. 21 an event entitled "Federal Criminal Sentencing: Where Are We and Where Do We Go Next?". The participants in this event are all huge names in the modern story of federal sentencing reform.
2. As noted before here, the Vera Institute of Justice has been doing path-breaking work on what Blakely means for state sentencing systems. And from Sept. 21-23, Vera will conduct a major conference entitled "The Realities of a Post-Blakely World." The folks at Vera report that the meeting is to provide state delegations an "opportunity to engage with each other and with leading practitioners and experts to develop feasible strategies – both immediate and longer-term – for responding to the Supreme Court's ruling in Blakely."
3. Last but certainly not least for Sept. 21, the Respondents and all supporting amici in Booker and Fanfan have their briefs due to the Supreme Court.
4. As noted before here, on Sept. 24 the University of Toledo Law Review will host a symposium on "The Legal Barriers to Reentry in Ohio: Collateral Sanctions in Theory and Practice." An updated version of the schedule for the event can be downloaded here:
Download toledo_collatsancinvitationltr04.doc
5. Keeping up the pace, Sept. 27 is when the Government's reply brief is due in Booker and Fanfan, and oral arguments in these cases is slated for the afternoon of Oct. 4.
6. As noted before here, Oct. 8-9 brings Stanford Law School's major event entitled "The Future of American Sentencing: A National Roundtable on Blakely." An updated version of the plans and amazing list of participants for this event can be downloaded here:
Download stanford_blakely_conference_announcement.doc
September 19, 2004 at 11:59 PM | Permalink
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