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September 20, 2004
Morning sentencing commentary
Though there are not many Blakely news stories this morning, interesting sentencing commentaries can be found in this op-ed piece on Blakely from the LA Times, this editorial about mandatory minimums in The Salt Lake Tribune, this editorial about efforts to amend California's Three-Strikes Law in The San Francisco Chronicle (which I discussed recently here). Also, Howard Bashman at How Appealing has collected more commentary on California's Three-Strikes Law here.
In addition, this weekend, I contributed commentary on democratic theory and sentencing reform here, as well as a series of new Blakely questions here and here.
September 20, 2004 at 08:17 AM | Permalink
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Mr. Berman,
I want to thank you for helping me to make some sense of Blakely. My Father was sentenced in August to 87 months for mail fraud and his attorney has cited Blakely in his appeal. As an architect, and not an attorney, it is very difficult to read and attempt to understand how it applies to my Father, even when explained to me by his attorney. Your site has helped my family to understand and keep apprised of Blakely.
Thank you for all you are doing!
Best regards,
Cari Walls
Posted by: Cari Walls | Sep 21, 2004 6:57:05 PM