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September 9, 2004
Must stop, big day ahead...
Despite having already done three lengthy posts on the Fourth Circuit's Hammoud decision (available here and here and here) there is still a lot more to say — I have not yet even mentioned the "alternative sentencing" part of the majority's decision (which triggered a partial dissent by Judge Widener) or the thoughtful dissents.
But I must call it quits for the night because I have a big day tomorrow. As noted in the flyer here, I was lucky enough to be invited by Congresswoman Maxine Waters to participate on a panel at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation's 34th Annual Legislative Conference in Washington DC.
The planned Judiciary Issue Forum is intended to cover an array of sentencing reform issues from mandatory minimums to Blakely. I expect to learn a lot from my fellow panelists, who include The Honorable Ruben Castillo (US Sentencing Commission), The Honorable Terry Hatter (US District Judge of the Central District of California), The Honorable Peter C. Harvey (New Jersey's Attorney General), Julie Stewart (President and Founder, Families Against Mandatory Minimums), and Nkechi Taifa, Esq. (Senior Policy Analyst, Open Society Institute). But if I am going to be able to contribute intelligently at all, I better get some sleep.
I doubt I will get to blog much, if at all, from the road tomorrow, but I should be back with more on Hammoud and other developments before long.
September 9, 2004 at 03:54 AM | Permalink
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