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September 7, 2004

Pitch for a law-themed disaster movie?

As noted here by Professor Orin Kerr at The Volokh Conspiracy and here by applicant Chris Geidner at Law Dork, today is the official start of the federal clerkship application mania. The massive numbers of applications in transit today has me thinking of a hollywood pitch for a law-themed disaster movie:

"What happens to federal judges and their earnest staff when a tidal wave of clerkship applications floods a chambers already reeling from a number 10 Blakely earthquake?"

To a law geek like me, this pitch sounds as exciting as any of these recently inked Hollywood deals. But I need a catchy title. Suggestions? (If you scroll down the Hollywood deals list linked above, you will see that "The Passion of the Clerks" has already been taken by director Kevin Smith.)

September 7, 2004 at 01:44 PM | Permalink


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Punch Drunk Law?
La Blakely Vita?
2001: A Sentencing Odyssey?
Nightmare On 1st Street N.E.?

Posted by: gary forsyth | Sep 8, 2004 9:16:41 AM

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