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October 16, 2004

So many state Blakely cases, so little time

The stories of Blakely's impact on state sentencing continue to percolate, and this past week was particularly eventful with noteworthy rulings from Indiana, Minnesota, New Jersey and Oregon. And I have not even had a chance to skim the 16(!) Blakely rulings coming from the California appellate courts this week alone.

Continuing his stellar work, my crackerjack research assistant has created a spreadsheet with a list of state cases to be found searching the allstates database in Westlaw for "Blakely & sentenc!" after June 24, 2004. For any number junkies out there, here is the data:
Download blakely_state_case_counts.xls

This spreadsheet shows that, as of October 16, a total 239 state Blakely cases are on-line. Interestingly, 23 states have had at least one Blakely decision come on-line, though the vast majority of these decisions come from California, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and Tennessee. And since I have seen a good number of state decisions which are not on-line, I am sure this data only presents an abridged version of the disruption that Blakely is causing in the states.

October 16, 2004 at 11:22 PM | Permalink


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I have a son that was sentenced to 14 years. Interested in the out come maybe it will apply to his case. Waiting for the ruling in Mississippi where he was sentenced. He is there for appel court date 10/18 Thank you

Posted by: s, boswell | Oct 17, 2004 7:45:25 PM

My son is awaiting federal sentencing on a drug on a drug charge. I am watching this closely in hopes that it may help him in receving a shorten ed prison time.

Posted by: Alice Hawkins | Oct 19, 2004 12:06:39 PM

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