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November 5, 2004

More events and weekend reading around the blogsphere

As previously noted in this November calender, the US Sentencing Commission has a big Blakely-related public hearing/meeting planned for November 16-17.  The official notice of the meeting now appears here, and I can also report that I have the honor of being one of the persons asked to testify.  I will post additional details about the event when available.

Meanwhile, if you want to spend all weekend reading about sentencing law and policy developments, I can already point you to a number of items worthy of attention thanks to fellow bloggers.  For example, Howard Bashman has interesting news and links concerning a state death penalty ruling from Colorado here and a federal death penalty from Boston here.  Michael Ausbrook at INCourts already has lots of Blakely talk and plans for more on Indiana cases.  Crime & Federalism reports here on an interesting forfeiture case.  And, last but certainly not least, there is an amazing dialogue taking place in here in the comments to a this recent post about Judge Panner's sentence in Detwiler.

November 5, 2004 at 05:46 PM | Permalink


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