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December 31, 2004

Blakely gets a little year-end respect

I have previously explained in posts here and here why I think Blakely might be called the Rodney Dangerfield of Supreme Court decisions because its has not always received the respect it deserves from legal commentators.  I was thus gratified to see that the decision did get at least little play in a few legal year-in-review pieces this week.  (Of course, Blakely gets plenty of love in my own Sentencing Year in Review.)

Specifically, the import and impact of Blakely is noted in this essay entitled "2004's Legal Hits & Misses" by CBS News legal analyst Andrew Cohen.  In addition, this press release from Thomson West has Blakely on its list of "Top Legal Stories of Year."

December 31, 2004 at 04:13 PM | Permalink


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