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December 21, 2004

Everything you wanted to know about Blakely in Indiana

Though, as detailed here and here, I have given up tracking all state Blakely decisions, two Michaels continue to do great work tracking the story of Blakely in Indiana. 

As I have noted before, Michael Ausbrook over at INCourts covers the ins and outs of many Indiana Blakely rulings.  And today I received from Michael Limrick (a former clerk to Justice Theodore Boehm of the Indiana Supreme Court) a copy of a draft article that will appear in the Jan./Feb. Indiana bar association magazine, Res Gestae.  Michael calls the article, which can be downloaded below, "basically an update on what the Indiana Court of Appeals has done so far."

Download limrick_on_blakely_in_indiana.doc

December 21, 2004 at 05:21 PM | Permalink


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