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December 24, 2004
Happy Blakely half-birthday!
If you are eager to avoid getting tangled in the brouhaha over the proper greeting this holiday season (as recently discussed by TalkLeft), you might just say to people today "Happy Blakely half-birthday!" That's right, today marks exactly six months since the Supreme Court rocked the sentencing world with its decision in Blakely v. Washington. And celebrating the decision's half-birthday seems a fitting follow-up to celebrating a Blakely Festivus.
For the record, at the six-month mark, a search this afternoon of "Blakely w/2 Washington" after June 24, 2004 in the all courts database produces 1281 "hits" on Westlaw (592 in allstates, 689 in allfeds), while the same search in Lexis produces 1375 "hits" (705 in allstates, 670 in allfeds). And, of course, these numbers do not reflect the tens of thousands of sentencings that Blakely may have impacted that have not resulted in an on-line opinion.
December 24, 2004 at 03:21 PM | Permalink
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