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December 23, 2004
Media criticism of Bush's pardon practice
The newspaper opinion pages have joined the blogsphere in criticizing Bush for his stingly approach to pardons (details here and here).
In a piece entitled "The Land of the Second Chance," Debra Saunders effectively places Bush's pardon work within the broader context of modern sentencing laws and policies (and also quotes from Margy Love's powerful words in this post). The piece is balanced and thoughtful while detailing a few compelling cases that seem to call for executive clemency relief. It also quotes Mary Price of Families Against Mandatory Minimums suggesting "we could probably come up with 40 names" for Bush of inmates whose sentences should be commuted.
December 23, 2004 at 10:23 AM | Permalink
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so who the president pardon this end of mandate ?
Posted by: fern | Jan 18, 2005 8:40:41 PM