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December 2, 2004
More musings and speculations while we wait
Baylor Law Professor Mark Osler was kind enough to send me a number of thoughtful reflections as a follow up to my recent posts here and here musing and speculating about the time it is taking the Supreme Court to issue a ruling in Booker and Fanfan. (Professor Osler, readers may recall, is the progenitor one of the most sensible and straight-forward "solutions" to reforming federal sentencing after Blakely, which can be accessed here, and he also previously shared in October here sobering observations of the future of federal sentencing reform.)
Here is how Mark previews his comments, which are downloadable below in an attached document: "While we wait (and wait) for the Booker and Fanfan decisions, a few thoughts about the delay and what will follow the decision's announcement."
Download mark_osler_musings_about_delay.doc
December 2, 2004 at 04:24 PM | Permalink
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