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December 3, 2004

Third FSR Blakely issue to press

As previously discussed here, now complete is the third Federal Sentencing Reporter issue covering Blakely — which likely will be the last issue we send to press before Booker and Fanfan re-shape the post-Blakely landscape.  The issue, FSR Volume 17, Number 2 (Dec. 2004), has the title "Further Implications of Blakely" and its covers can be downloaded below. 

Download fsr172_covers.pdf

As you will see if you download the cover, the final page numbers for all the articles detailed here are now available.  In addition, I now have a finalized version (with final FSR page numbers) of my "Conceptualizing Blakely" article.  Here it is: Download final_conceptualizing_blakely.pdf

Details about the two previous Blakely issues are here and here.  FSR subscribers a few weeks ago should now have received their hard copies of these issues, both of which can be ordered here and accessed electronically here.  I expect this latest FSR issue will be available electronically with a week or so.

December 3, 2004 at 05:50 PM | Permalink


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