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December 3, 2004
Third FSR Blakely issue to press
As previously discussed here, now complete is the third Federal Sentencing Reporter issue covering Blakely — which likely will be the last issue we send to press before Booker and Fanfan re-shape the post-Blakely landscape. The issue, FSR Volume 17, Number 2 (Dec. 2004), has the title "Further Implications of Blakely" and its covers can be downloaded below.
As you will see if you download the cover, the final page numbers for all the articles detailed here are now available. In addition, I now have a finalized version (with final FSR page numbers) of my "Conceptualizing Blakely" article. Here it is: Download final_conceptualizing_blakely.pdf
Details about the two previous Blakely issues are here and here. FSR subscribers a few weeks ago should now have received their hard copies of these issues, both of which can be ordered here and accessed electronically here. I expect this latest FSR issue will be available electronically with a week or so.
December 3, 2004 at 05:50 PM | Permalink
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