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January 7, 2005
A few quick notes from AALS
As detailed in this post, yesterday at the AALS conference the McGeorge School of Law's Capital Center for Government Law and Policy hosted a breakfast meeting to discuss this proposal for wholesale reform of California's sentencing practices. The discussion was provocative (and the food copious), and I hope the proposed blue-ribbon commission becomes a reality.
Interestingly, as well covered by TalkLeft here and this LA Times article, "Schwarzenegger administration officials Thursday unveiled a new model [for the operation of California's prisons which] aims to reduce crime by better preparing inmates for life on the outside." Though corrections reform and sentencing reform are distinct issues, the concerns intersect and overlap in important ways.
Also, at the lunch of the Criminal Justice Section, I rambled on for too long about blogging (but, as my students know, that is not uncommon when I am talking about sentencing and have the podium). Thankfully, Ellen Podgor of the White Collar Crime Prof Blog does a lovely job here making my ramblings seem insightful. Thanks, Ellen.
I am especially exited for this afternoon's session on "The Rehabilitation of Rehabilitation" (detail at this link), though I am a bit grumpy it will be rain and more rain here in SF now until I head back to Ohio. At least the family and I got to see the sea lions at Pier 39 yesterday.
January 7, 2005 at 11:28 AM | Permalink
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