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January 5, 2005

Holiday season highlights

I am off to the big law professors' conference in San Francisco (details here) this afternoon, which likely means no more blogging today and light blogging until next week.  For anyone interested in using this break to catch up on notable sentencing developments from the holiday season, here's a list of some major posts of note from the last two weeks:

Federal Blakely issues

State Blakely issues

Death Penalty

Clemency and Pardons

Also, for anyone interested in (yet again) gearing up for a possible decision in Booker and Fanfan next week, here are some of my prior "pre-decision" posts:

And, lots of additional posts of note and other background materials on Blakely and Booker and Fanfan can also be found on my Blakely Basics page.

January 5, 2005 at 01:00 PM | Permalink


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I find your site interesting.

I post on FreeSpeech.com and will post a link
to your site in a blog tomorrow.

Thank you,
Steven G. Erickson aka Vikingas

Posted by: Steven G. Erickson | Jan 5, 2005 1:43:29 PM

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