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January 13, 2005
Media matters
Though Howard Bashman at How Appealing is always the best source for all the media links, I can provide a quick round up of some of the major pieces I have seen (mostly thanks to Howard) before calling it a night.
Here are articles from AP and Reuters and Knight Ridder, two stories from the New York Times (here and here), two stories from the Washington Post (here and here), and stories from USA Today, the Christian Science Monitor, the Los Angeles Times, and law.com.
Also, to move from print to other media, Howard has links to NPR's coverage throughout the day here and here. And here is a link to the transcript of the segment I did on the NewsHour with Jim Lehrer.
Especially intriguing in many of these pieces are the quotes from key players in Congress and the Justice Department, as well as some of the reflections of academics and practitioners. Perhaps readers can use the comments to quote their favorite bits of punditry.
January 13, 2005 at 12:49 AM | Permalink
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This is a very good page
Posted by: Hilda Quintana | Jan 13, 2005 9:45:25 AM