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January 26, 2005
Preparing for post-Booker action
As detailed in this notice, the US Sentencing Commission has a public meeting scheduled for tomorrow at 10:30 am. Though the agenda does not mention Booker, I suspect that the decision will be one of the topics of conversation. Indeed, I am hoping that soon after the meeting the USSC will announce its plans for trying to assess and managing the post-Booker world. (I have, of course, previously shared some of my ideas and suggestions for the USSC here and here.)
Meanwhile, in other news today from DC, AG nominee Alberto Gonzales has been approved in a 10-8 party line vote by the Senate Judiciary Committee, and he likely will be confirmed next week by the full Senate. One of the first orders of business for Gonzales will be to help develop and carry out the Justice Department's post-Booker federal sentencing strategies. I am very eager to see how Gonzales performs in this arena right out of the gates.
January 26, 2005 at 05:21 PM | Permalink
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Defense Attorney. I'm most interested in retroactivity developments from Booker.
Posted by: Paul Kemp | Jan 28, 2005 2:41:22 PM