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February 3, 2005

Back home from Booker ground zero

I am back in Ohio after a great day in Milwaukee — from the land of Laverne & Shirley back to the land of Family Ties — and I have returned to a full in-box with cases and other items that I will share in coming posts.  But first I must just note how exciting it was to spend the day at Booker "ground zero": not only did the Booker case come from Wisconsin, but I learned today that all the lawyers involved on both sides of the case in the Supreme Court have Wisconsin ties. 

And, of course, Judge Adelman of Ranum fame hails from Wisconsin, as does Representative F. James Sensenbrenner, Chairman of the House Committee on the Judiciary.  As noted here, this Committee's Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security has officially scheduled for next week an Oversight Hearing on "The Implications of the Booker/Fanfan Decisions for the Federal Sentencing Guidelines."

February 3, 2005 at 10:42 PM | Permalink


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Tonight I realized that my life could not evolve unless it revolved around Professor Berman.

Posted by: KALEY | Feb 4, 2005 12:01:15 AM

Hi there --

Was at Booker ground zero with you and really appreciated your insight. I'm a solo practitioner and do pretty much all indigent defense work, have a case pending in the Seventh Circuit, pure Booker issue, and now have some fabulous ideas about how to handle the sentencing when (if) I get back to the district court. Thanks again, your blog is a great resource for those of us in the trenches.

Posted by: Donna Thompson-Schneider | Feb 4, 2005 7:46:13 AM

Thanks, Donna, I am glad to be able to help in all settings. Good luck in the 7th.

Posted by: Doug B. | Feb 4, 2005 8:27:49 AM

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