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February 17, 2005
I am not a journalist, but I did sort of play one on a panel today
As Howard Bashman noted here, my DC afternoon involved participating on a panel addressing "The Effects of New Technologies on Covering the Court." Terrifically moderated by Pete Williams, my co-panelists Joan Biskupic, Lincoln Caplan and Dahlia Lithwick had a lot of interesting and thought-provoking comments about how the internet and blogs have impacted the coverage of the Supreme Court and legal issues more generally. Howard's ears should have been burning, since his role as SCOTUS' "38th law clerk" was mentioned. The discussion was mostly Booker-free, which was a refreshing change, and the evening was capped by a big dinner at the Supreme Court and a stirring speech by Justice Kennedy. Heady stuff for a law geek used to just rambling on-line in my pajamas.
February 17, 2005 at 10:10 PM | Permalink
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