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February 14, 2005
Off to DC for a big week
I leave in the early morning Tuesday to head to Washington DC in order to testify in the late afternoon at the US Sentencing Commission hearings. Details on the USSC hearings and some of the written testimony are available here.
I will be in DC through Friday because late Thursday I have the honor of participating in a panel discussion sponsored by the Supreme Court Fellows Program concerning the impact of new technologies on how the media covers the Supreme Court. (Dahlia Lithwick — who has been described as "the rockingest Supreme Court columnist ever ever ever" — is a co-panelist, and she recently got in the spirit of the event through this interesting American Lawyer piece which explains that "the Web has changed [Supreme] Court reporting quite significantly, and changed the way the Court does business almost not at all.")
Though I expect to have hotel internet access, blogging is likely to be a bit light through the week. But, by being a busy Booker beaver, I leave behind many posts on a range of Booker/Blakely issues. Here's an abridged summary with links:
- Sorting through the Circuit circus
- Another important (and opaque) 3d Circuit remand
- More (a lot more) notable circuit Booker work
- Reports on Booker circuit action
- Thoughts on post-Booker data collection
- One needed quick fix: a new USSC Commissioner
- Taking (insightful) stock of the post-Booker world
- Reports on recent Booker district court sentencings
- Mark your Booker calenders (list of events has been updated tonight)
- Celebrating a month of Booker (includes a Word version of a month of post-Booker blog posts)
- The next big hearing and some written USSC Hearing testimony
- More reports on the House hearing
- House hearing highlights
- The New Jersey Blakely saga continues
- The Ohio Blakely saga continues
- Booker wisdom for the states from the Vera Institute
And, if somehow all these materials do not fulfill all your sentencing law and policy needs, you can head over to this new webpage I have created to assemble sentencing law resources, which now includes a (still-in-development) Booker basics page.
February 14, 2005 at 11:59 PM | Permalink
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