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March 23, 2005

All hail the latest USSC post-Booker data

As I had hoped in this post, the US Sentencing Commission has updated and made available here the latest post-Booker sentencing data.  This latest data memo reports on data through March 15, and now covers over 5,200 cases.  Again, the cumulative numbers have not changed dramatically from prior reports (discussed here and here), although the total number of within-guideline and above-guideline sentences have gone down slightly.

Among the cool features of the latest USSC data memo is a set of helpful graphs, with the pie charts on the final page comparing post-Booker and Fiscal Year 2002 numbers providing most of the important highlights.  In addition, the USSC indicates in these materials, with the help of a cool bar chart, that post-Booker "case receipt is only now reaching the expected average 270-280 cases per day."

I have not heard if anything else noteworthy happened this morning at today's USSC public meeting, but I remain ever grateful for the USSC's continuing efforts to disseminate post-Booker data "in real time."

March 23, 2005 at 01:54 PM | Permalink


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