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March 15, 2005
Latest, greatest, post-Booker sentencing statistics
In addition to the interesting Booker documents coming from the Administrative Office of the US Courts in conjunction with today's meeting of the US Judicial Conference (detailed here), the meeting also prompted the US Sentencing Commission to update its collection of "post-Booker cases received, coded, and edited as part of the Commission's post-Booker project." The Commission has posted the latest numbers, which are based on data extracted at close-of-business on March 3, 2005, on its website at this link. (Kudos to the USSC for continuing to disseminate this data "in real time.")
This latest data report now covers over 3,000 cases, and the cumulative numbers have not changed dramatically since the last report detailed here. And, as the number of total cases grows, I am hopeful the USSC will soon be able to break-down these general stats so that we can have a more detailed understanding of what sorts of cases are still falling within the guidelines, are subject to departures, and are subject to variances.
March 15, 2005 at 05:51 PM | Permalink
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Please give us the benefit of your analysis of what you think the stats show. Do you have to remove "fast track" numbers first in order to see anything meaningful?
Posted by: Peter G | Mar 15, 2005 9:50:25 PM
Does anyone know whether this new Report will be accompanied by a district-by-district (and Circuit-by-Circuit) breakdown of the numbers, which accompanied the Feb. 28th version of the same Report? I couldn't find it on the USSC website.
Posted by: ycl | Mar 16, 2005 10:09:46 AM
I don't understand whether the "guidelines range" that is referred to, is the range based on jury found facts alone, or the range based on enhancement facts "found" by the judge.
Posted by: nicole c | Mar 16, 2005 11:03:34 PM
Posted by: | Oct 14, 2008 9:04:05 AM