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March 30, 2005
The intersection of sex offenses and juvenile offenders
Thanks to TalkLeft's post here, I see this interesting abc-news article about a young man who committed a sex offense when 13 years old now forced at age 18 to be placed on a sex-offender registry. The article thoughtfully explores the challenging issues raised by the intersection of sex offenses and juvenile offenders.
The case noted in the article presents another example — along with the recent California case noted here overturning a three-strikes sentence of 25-years-to-life for the "technical violation" of a sex offender failing to update his registration — of the extensive reach and impact of sex offender registration laws. Also, the article perhaps implicates ideas I developed here in the wake of the Supreme Court's juvenile death-penalty decision in Roper about whether the High Court's statements in Roper about the "mitigating force of youth" should come to bear in some non-capital sentencing settings.
March 30, 2005 at 11:56 PM | Permalink
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Posted by: FRANK PREVORT | Mar 31, 2005 8:31:15 AM
Actually, Frank, the evidence suggests that sex offenders tend to recidivate less than other criminals. Here's the stats from the ABC article:
"Various studies reviewed by the federal government's Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention found that as few as 8 percent and as many as 14 percent of juvenile sex offenders commit new sex crimes.
A meta-analysis of 61 studies of adult sex offender recidivism put the rate for child molesters at 12.7 percent and for rapists at 18.9 percent, but the studies that were involved only considered reconviction rates. A more recent longitudinal study in Canada that considered self-reported acts that were not reported to police, however, found higher recidivism rates for adults: 22 percent for incest child molesters, 19.5 percent for non-incest child molesters and 17.1 percent for rapists."
Posted by: Doug B. | Mar 31, 2005 9:31:50 AM
Actually, the recidivism rates are, according the the following reports:
# NCJ-163392 (February 7, 1997), Sex Offenses and Offenders: An Analysis of Data on Rape and Sexual Assault, finds the recidivism rate of 2,214 convicted rapists released from prison was 7.7% after three years. The only category of crimes with a lower recidivism rate are those persons convicted of murder (6.8%).
# NCJ-193427 (June, 2002), Recidivism of Prisoners Released in 1994, finds the recidivism rate of 3,138 convicted rapists released from prison was 2.5% after three years. The only category of crimes with a lower recidivism rate are those persons convicted of murder (1.2%).
In April, 2001, the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction (ODRC) released a report also on the recidivism rate of released sex offenders. In Ten-Year Recidivism Follow-Up of 1989 Sex Offender Releases, Office of Policy, Bureau of Planning and Evaluation, Paul Konicek, Principle Researcher, (available at www.drc.state.oh.us), the recidivism rate of 879 sex offenders released from Ohio’s prisons in 1989, after ten (10) years, was found to be 8% for new sex offenses.
The ODRC study finds its results as typical, citing to:
1) Gibbons, Soothill, and Way, found in Furby, Weinrott & Blackshaw, 1989. (Twelve year study finding sex offender recidivism rate of 4%).
2) Gibbons, Soothill, and Way 1980, found in Furby, Weinrott & Blackshaw, 1989. (Thirteen year study finding sex offenders recidivism rate of 12%).
3) Hanson & Bussiere, 1996. (Mega-analysis of sixty-one sex offender studies with a total of 28,972 sex offenders finding recidivism rate for new sex offenses five years after release was 13.4%).
4) New York Department of Corrections, nine year follow-up study. Finding a 6% rate of recidivism for new sex offenses.
These studies are cited on page 11 of the ODRC report.
Page 15 of the report, the overall findings are summarized. The ODRC finds, "Contrary to the popular idea that sex offenders are repeatedly returning to prison for further sex crimes, in this population a sex offender recidivating for a new sex offense within 10 years of release was a relatively rare occurrence." Id. at page 15, ¶ 4.
This is taken from http://www.prisonerlife.com/articles/articleID=42.cfm .
And, a Library of information of even more studies, reports and white papers is available here: http://www.sohopeful.org/forum/ . This group, SOhopeful International, is dedicated to educating the public about the real recidivism rates of sex offenders, and they are doing quite well - there have been a number of recent articles outlining the flaws in the registration laws and system, especially concerning the majority of registrants who are deemed lowest-risk to reoffend. By monitoring and tracking ALL offenders, attention, resources and personnel are taken away from supervising the MOST dangerous ones - that's how they are able to reoffend, such as in the Lunsford case in FL and the Gage case in IO recently.
One of the MOST DANGEROUS MYTHS about sex offenders is that if someone is not on the registry then they must be safe [i.e., not a sexual offender]. In fact, the majority of sex offenders are one-time or intrafamilial - they are ususally citizens with no prior criminal history, and are unlikely to ever offend again. Again, most incidents of sexual abuse of children occurs within the family or "Zone of Association." Teaching children about "stranger danger" is looking in the wrong direction, and unfairly putting the onus to protect on the child instead of were it belongs - on the parents.
The people who are MOST LIKELY to sexually abuse a child: parent[s], sibling[s], child's peers, babysitter, a member from church, teacher, coach or anyone within the family's zone of association. This is quite a shock to most people, but this the reality as stated in numerous reports, studies and white papers.
It is unconscionable to demonize and stigmatize a child for an impropriety of youth. They are children who may struggle with mental health issues such as depression, boundary issues, and identity confusion. To lump them in with incorrigable offenders and freeze them in one moment for the rest of their lives robs them of hope, teaches them to not forgive and that rehabilitation is not possible or even desired by society. Many of the treatment methods are shame-based and convince them that they are not fit to live, much less breathe the same air as the rest of us.
Also, ETAY [ http://www33.brinkster.com/ethical/index.htm ] is specifically dedicated to juvenile offender issues. The treatment methods used on these children is appalling and barbaric!
The system desparately needs to be reformed to be effective - the public and legislators need to be educated - the media has done quite a good job of distorting the facts and sensationalizing every incident of a violent offense, but have never reported on the fact that 95% + never reoffend and go on to be reconciled with their family and productive and contributing reformed members of our society.
Visit http://www.sohopeful.org for more information - it can help you to protect yourself and your children from victimization. Isn't it worth a little bit of your time?
Posted by: Carolyn | Apr 7, 2005 1:02:46 PM
Recidivism research can be misleading when we compare it to other criminal recidivism rates. For example, the National Crime and Victimization Survey data from 1994, 1995, and 1998 show that about thirty two percent of sex offenses, against subjects twelve and older, are reported to law enforcement (Bynum, Carter, Matson & Onley, 2001). A longitudinal study conducted for three years also observed that eighty four percent of adult female respondents, who advised that they were sexually assaulted, did not report the offense to police (Kilpatrick, Edmunds, and Seymour, 1992). These under reported sexual offense numbers could by some research estimates place the actual sexual offense numbers at “2.4” times higher than the reported data (Marshall & Barbaree, 1990).
Because some research leans heavily upon reported sex acts we should be hesitant to drawing a connection on sex offenders not having a high recidivism rate on sex offenses. I therefore will not compare sex offender data equally to murder when measuring recidivism rates. Homicide data has a report rate and dynamics different to sex offense characteristics. I know research is influenced by our financial benefactors, but we should stay focused on the big picture and fully disclose our studies potential weaknesses instead of blindly stating them as facts. It’s an ethical duty if nothing else to society.
Posted by: John Hinds | Apr 20, 2005 1:40:36 PM
my friends son when he was ten was was playing house when one of the boys molested another boy .while he was in another room touching himself.he was cleared on the case because he did'nt touch anyone but himself.so they charged him with joint venture and is now in custody with d.y.s. they unfortunately don't have any money and they need help in getting one they can afford.I know both parents and they are great people and good parents and i'm trying to help them find a group or a lawyer that can help.so if u have any unfo that could help please contact me and it happened in massachusetts and the victims uncle was a police officer in the town .hopefully i will hear from you .thank you
Posted by: dennis kelly | Apr 21, 2005 12:25:55 PM
my friends son was play house with friends.one of the boys molested another boy while he was in another room touching himself.he was cleared of rape chares but was found guilty of joint vaenture .the family has no money could someone please let me know where to turn.now he is in custody this happened in massachuetts and the victim's uncle was a police officers nephew .thank you
Posted by: dennis | Apr 21, 2005 12:28:47 PM
I'm utterly baffled by people blowing statistics about recidivism here. We've got some people saying "as low as 8-15%" of sex offenders go back and commit more sex offenses, and another guy saying a whopping 95% of sex offenders never do anything ever again. Well that's fantastic news if sex offense crimes are as trivial as jay walking. But no it's not that trivial. Rape is a sex offense, and it can't even be put into words all the terrible things that ONE rape can do to a woman. So while everyone here is arrogantly touting percentages about recidivism, lets just think for a second exactly how many victims we want? If there's a 1% chance of a proven rapist going out and raping again, it is unacceptable. A rape can mean one innocent life ruined, allowing a rapist to go at it again means two innocent lives ruined. Why exactly is that ok to anyone? Sometimes rapists and child molesters actually manage to pass on their behaviors to children who then pass it on to other children when they grow up. That's as many as infinite people's lives ruined because it never ends! Severe sex offenses like child molesting and rape should be treated with the death sentence every time, the first time. It's not about revenge, and it never should be, it's simply a matter of prevention and public safety.
Posted by: Patrick | Jul 2, 2005 4:00:12 PM
The latter statement posted on this page is a perfect example of the type of hatred brought out by trying to have a rational conversation about the issue of sex abuse. The gentelman that believes everone should be murdered for a first time conviction of a sex offense is exactly what prevents a rational solution to a complex situation. Its exactly these emotionally charged and politicized environments that are spewing out laws without merit. If people are denied any hope or forgivness in our society it has a detachment affect that will create an environment for the offender that is more likely to be a self fulfilling proficy to reoffend.
Posted by: James mason | Jul 5, 2005 12:05:26 AM
No one doubtd the visions conjured when one hears the term "sex offender" it is frightening, especilly when children are involved. But with the current air of hysteria,what is just as frightening is the likely hood of innocent people, especially men and boys, being sent to jail for crimes they never committed.
Personally, we know of 2 cases in 2004 in Massachusetts where accusations were made many years after the supposed molestations took place. The initial claims were made when the alleged victim was 16 and she claims the incidents happened 8 years prior when she was 8 - the alleged defendants were 20 when sh reported it, but had supposedly been 12 when it happened.. Afterwhen the victim was told nothing could be done because they'd all been children at the time and it had been too long ago, the alleged victim then suddenly recalled several other incidents which occured within weeks of the alleged defendants 17th birthdays when she was 13. The courts reconsidered her allegations and the defendants were indicted and their lives put on hold for 3+ years of legal maneuverings.
After several years of postponemnts etc, and multiple triaLS the defendants were found "guilty" of half the charges and acquitted on the other half... Jurors admitted they weren't sure so wanted to be "safe" - imagine - unfortuantely these cases were in Massachusetts and occured during the height of the church sex scandal - the atmosphere in Massachusetts is reminicent of the Salem Witch trials... and remember, anyone can make an accusation about anyone - and when it is years later it is difficult at best to defend yourself. One of these defendants was out of the country when one of the alleged events occured but the DA told them not to consider that because maybe she was off by several weeks when she recalled the date; furthermore with the rape shield law protecting the victim it is very difficult to attack the "alleged victims credibility".
Obviously when an attack is recent, when there is physical evidence of an attack via DNA, injuries and the like, or other credible evidence - then full steam ahead; but when accusations are made after many years and it is simply a he said - she said; every step should be taken to protect both the alleged victim and the alleged defendant before lives are ruined forever...
Juries take their responsibilities ver seriously but we know from experience that they are frightened of making a mistake and find it difficult to understand why anyone would make such an accusation if it weren't true.. And trust us - we know full well that they do - and the legal system also knows that this happens - FBI and other federal statistics quote that it happens more than 50% of the time and that's a statistic that's every bit as frightening..
We all have a responsibility to protect each other, even those who are accused of crimes they never commited.
Posted by: Susan | Jul 11, 2005 11:08:30 AM
I agree that most of these kids might not reoofend according to the statistics however I know of a 15 year old boy that molested my neighbors daughter when she was 5 and he was 11. He is living in a home with a new set of siblings(his father remarried a woman with 3 kids recently) 2 little girls, a 5 year old and a 2 year old who cannot talk yet and a 6 year old boy. There are also 12 other little girls within a 1/4 mile walk of their house. No one wlse in the neighborhood is aware of the offense. I believe that these kids should be included on the sex registry of any state if they have been convicted of a sexual assault or aggravated sexual battery case not simply for looking at porn or having consensual sex with anyone close to their age. Someone who cares in the neighborhood.
Posted by: Laura R | Jul 28, 2005 7:10:41 PM
I am appalled at the paranoia of the general public that led to the the passing of Megan's Law. I have a friend that at 17 was convicted of attempted rape because, while committing a robbery with his cousin and brother, his brother threatened the male victim that his wife would be raped by the other 2 if he did not give them his money. My friend in no way has ever denied the seriousness of the crime he committed and in fact spent the last 23 years of his life in prison for it. Now released from prison, not only does he have to register as a sex offender but he is not allowed to live within 1000 feet of a school or daycare. He is also required to have a certified supervisor with him any time he is around children. Released from prison with glowing reports from both prison officials and upstanding members of the community and a report that states it is improbable that he will commit another sexually related crime, he is required to live out his life under the presumption that he is more likely to commit a sex offense against a child than the next person.
The blanket catagorizing of all sexual offenders brings thoughts of McCarthyism and witch-hunts to mind. Faulty cause and effect. The implication that all sex offenders are sexual predators looking to victimize children doesn't have any rational basis that I can find. I am looking for statistics on how often individuals that commit sex crimes against adults also commit sex crimes against children. Any suggestions as to where I can find any information on this subject would be greatly appreciated.
Posted by: Janet | Oct 9, 2005 1:13:29 PM
I am having a real hard time coping with what is going on in the place where I work. I work in a small school system that consists of pre-k through 12th grade in the same building. There are 2 different bus runs though. My daughter is in Kindergarten and I teach special ed for grades 6-12. She and I ride to and from school together. She has not had to ride the bus (which consists of 5th graders and below). So far, this year, there have been 2 incidents (that I know about) of a 5th grade boy sexually touching 2 different kindergarten children on the bus. Both of these children, 1 boy and most recently 1 girl, are in my daughters class as well as ride the bus she would be riding. The first incident was a few months ago, and nothing, to my knowledge, was ever done about it. Now, it happened again just a couple of weeks ago and the principal in the elementary has made implications that the child (the kindergarten child) is lying or confused...or, here's a kicker...she has a pair of pants that she has a hard time keeping buttoned. This little girl got off of her bus with her pants dirty (from lying on the bus floor) and undone. She was very quiet and withdrawn when approached by her mother as to what happened.
Anyway, I simply don't know enough about the law. I would appreciate any insights and if anyone knows of any websites I could go to. I want to know NYS law on juvenile predators as well as the school systems responsibility in a case like this. Thanks to everyone for letting me vent. I hope to hear something soon!!!
Posted by: Heather | Feb 7, 2006 2:59:17 PM
The treatment of sex offenders, especially young ones, is a crime against humanity and often makes me wonder why we consider ourselves superior to the Iranians...
Posted by: D.J. | Apr 8, 2006 8:09:21 PM
A lot of the arguments here on both sides seem to be unaware of some important facts:
1. Many so-called "sexual assaults" committed by children and teenagers are actually indecency, mutually desired sex play, or romantic/sexual relationships that violate decency or age of consent laws. Talking about treatment, recidivism, and dangerousness in such cases is rather ridiculous. One prosecutor in Texas said half of all "child sexual abuse" cases coming across his desk were consensual teen sex.
2. Even when younger children are sexually aggressive, it's often due to not being socialized yet. Children often hit, bite, punch, and steal from other children. It shouldn't be surprising that they might be sexually aggressive too, since they haven't yet learned that we see sexual behavior as far worse than other kinds of behavior.
3. Aggressive non-sexual behavior by children and teens (bullying, conduct disorder, physical assault, cruel treatment of other children) can be worse than many "sex offenses", yet no one here who's in favor of harsh punishment for "juvenile sex offenders" seems to be concerned about violent non-sexual offenders. No one advocates prosecuting physically violent children as adults, imprisoning them for life, putting them on registries, monitoring their every move, or keeping them away from other children. Only a minority of physically aggressive children and teenagers are seriously violent and dangerous, and in need of serious legal consequences. In the same way, only a small minority of "juvenile sex offenders" are actually violent and in need of serious consequences.
4. The hysteria over "juvenile sex offenders" has led to abusive treatment by both the legal system and so-called sex offender "treatment" providers. Treatment often directly contradicts everything that is known about promoting healthy emotional developemnt. Much "treatment" is really barbaric punishment, which violates the most basic ethical and therapeutic principles.
These facts are documented at www.ethicaltreatment.org. Cracking down on "juvenile sex offenders" is not about protecting children. It's about fear and hysteria over imaginary monsters created by the media and politicians who are making money and building their careers by destroying the lives of children they see as worthless. Those people who call children "predators" have stopped using their minds and bought into the hysteria and hatred for these children.
Posted by: Geoff Birky | Jun 13, 2006 10:27:17 PM
Let me start by giving a brief history of Uncle Tom…
Uncle Tom has always held the connotation of a black person who “sold-out” his race of people to garner favor with white people. Generations upon generations of blacks have use the term “Uncle Tom” in a derogatory fashion to cast aspersions on our fellow black men. The true fact about Uncle Tom is that he was name after Josiah Henson, a former slave who freed himself and, afterwards, went back to free over 120 fellow slaves. True accounts of Josiah Henson portraits him has a man of character, strength and valor. Sadly historic truths palls in the face of folklore inspired by the minstrels of the 1800's which painted the brave hero has a “black sell-out”.
To a great extent ex-sex offenders have been misaligned as well. I am a sex offender who, knowing the ill of my past, will never repeat them. Why – you may ask? I know that what I did was wrong. I harbor no preconceived notions that no one other than myself was to blame for my actions. Moreover, I know that there are harsh penalties if I even remotely step over the line again. Fact is, I am an irreversibly repented sex offender who doesn’t even remotely harbor the temptation to re-offend in the least. What more, I know that the majority of those who offended in the same manner as I did (sex abuse of my step daughter) are not likely to re-offend for the same reason that I stated.
Sadly, like Josiah Henson, the real truth about sex offender recidivism rate will never get out to the public. It is too sexy of a story to report the politically correct folklore that says the opposite.
Posted by: mark | Jun 23, 2006 5:22:57 PM
First let me tell you that I am speaking as a woman who was rape at 5 years old and then again at the age of 16. With that said, I find Megan's Law outraging. Passing Megan's Law has simply made it so that there are more victims out there and made it easier to stay out of jail. So many sex crime cases are solely based on one persons word verses anothers that plea bargains are the only sure way to know the outcome. So, innocent people plea out so that they don't have to risk going to trail, and guilty people plea out just so that they can avoid jail. The majority of these plea bargains consist of who take them having to register as a sex offender. Notification laws just causes society to judge people and make us feel anxious, nervous, scared, and helpless. Megan's Law is not improving the situation so why do we still have it. The number of rapes and other sex crimes has not been reduced. The majority the sex crimes are commited by someone who is already close to you so what good is it to put a person on that list if you trust them and believe them when they say that they "didn't do it" and were "cheated by the system".
One last thing, if it takes notification that a sex offender has just moved in for you to watch you kids more closely, then you weren't watching them close enough to begin with. Maybe instead of looking into what the laws are for sex offender you should be looking into the requirements your counties Child and Social Services has for neglect. You may find that they are far more strict then you think.
Posted by: Christine Cordell | Jul 21, 2006 2:47:31 AM
As a mother of an 18 year old male who was falsly accused of forced rape by a 17 year old girlfriend/friend I am wondering how it is that before a pre trial is to be made how the D.A office can offer a plea bargin so soon. not all evidence if any is in. and the girl who made accusations to this did not give all details as to what happend. I am curious as to this plea bargain offer when pre trial has not began
Posted by: Laurie | Aug 1, 2006 4:30:26 PM
I was searching and found this site, and although its not Australian, its been a great help. Currently my husband, who committed a sex offence against a child, and served time for it, has been accused of molesting my 9 yr old daughter, to whom he has been a father to for 6 years. I am at my wits end, as they took her from our care, and are excluding my husband from all proceedings DESPITE the fact the 'allegations' are against him, and that my daughter has stated for the past 5 months that nothing occured. There is no physical evidence (she had a full physical exam), and my husband is ADAMANT that he has done nothing wrong. I am sick of the lawyers and doctors being told the facts of the case before I even speak to them- which allows them to make up their minds BEFORE they even speak with me. My daughter- who just turned 9- was told by 'Welfare workers' about my husbands previous conviction, and was told that the accusations were about him touching her inappropriately BEFORE and DURING her visits with her psychologist, unbeknownst to the Psychologist- and I believe this has tainted the psychologists assessments of my daughter. I am in Western Australia, if you know of any good lawyers who will work pro-bono or allow me to pay them off, I would be more appreciative than you could know. I can't imagine my life without my daughter- and Welfare are trying really hard to achieve this, I'm losing hope and faith....Fast.
Posted by: Marie | Oct 5, 2006 2:27:33 AM
In my personal dealings with the sexual based laws i find that there needs to be a large change in many of its aspects. The general lumping of everyone into this area of the law is tottaly out of hand at this point in time. When a young man having a girlfriend underage has to be lumped in with the violent predators, felony charges, sex offender registeration, jail time or prison, 10 required years on probation or parole ECT. It needs to be modified to fit each peticular instance, when there is simply a girl 1 or 2 years under the age of legal conscent, "that needs to also be adjusted" and the parents are fully ok with the relationship there should not be a problem plain and simply put. There are young men that are pooled into all of this and have there lives ruined by this is happening far to often, and something needs to be done. This particular law diffentaly has a place and is necesarry but needs alot of fine tuning in the very near future. Young men are becomeing more and more affected by this law and it is now clearly run a muck on there lives, leaving them to pick up the peices from something that should not be dealt with in such a manner. Its reached the equivalant of the rockefeller drug laws and the adjustments that where made in the interst of fairness need to apply in this instance.
Posted by: karl a. goosen | Jan 6, 2007 10:47:50 AM
I am now a Retired Police Officer. I am of the thinking that Sex Offender Registry national or State is a real scam on the public. The people we elected to office have used it to get more votes by saying the hard on sex offenders. When 90% of sex crimes are commited by a person well known and trusted by the victim. We are useing much man power in Law Enforcement going around and checking to make sure that the sex offender (SO,s) are realy living were they say they are. The SORs have given the public a false sence of security. When the numbers of SO that repeat the crime are so low why are we putting in so much to get so little. Why not put this same money and time into education of the public on ways to stay safe. Oh I know that there is some SO,s that should be listed; but that is such a small number of those on the SOR that it is a crime what we have done to the other SO,s and the familys of SO,s. It is to bad the public has bought this SOR without asking the real questions. I feel bad for any child that gets hurt but the real truth is that less than 1% of murders against childern are commited by a stranger. America wake up and stop taking what our elected officals say as the word. Check it out yourself.. People who give up rights for more safety get neather. Tim P.
Posted by: Tim P | Mar 16, 2007 3:24:34 PM
I wanted to post here to see how many people would contact me about what they think about what I have to say. My email address is [email protected]. My daughter who is 7 was sexaully abused by a teenage boy for a period of 12-18 months on weekends while she was visiting her father per the court's order. This sexual abuse consisted of this teenage boy raping, sodomizing, and torturing my daughter. This abuse occurred dozens of times and my daughter was too scard to tell due to what this teenage boy had told her. We're been to the police and are trying to prosecute this teenage boy. I am working hard to change the law in my state to require minors convicted of sex crimes to have to register as sex offenders just like adults have to do when they are convicted of sex crimes. Parents need to have someplace to go to look for the juvenile sex offenders so they can keep their children away from them. Employers also need to have somewhere they can look up the juvenile records of juveniles they are considering hiring so they don't hire a juvenile convicted of a sex crime to work with children. This is so important to protect innocent children like my daughter. I will stop at nothing until this law is passed in my state and nationwide for that matter. I don't care what all of you think who want juveniles convicted of sex crimes to be protected and have their privacy. They don't deserve it! After they drop their pants and rape and sodomize innocent children they are no longer playing the role of an innocent child and should no longer be treated as such...an outraged and hurting parent
Posted by: Sarah McCallum | Mar 29, 2007 2:30:59 PM
Posted by: | Nov 4, 2007 3:38:58 PM
I feel sentencing a teen to prison, with out a fair trial & making them register as a sex offender for the rest of their lives is outragouis!!! We are making kids outlaws for things that most of us did when we were teens. How many of you can say that you never had sex or at least messed around as a teen? Now we are sending kids to prison for things most of us did as teens, or did not do & was accused of in this case…
My 14 yr old son was accused of molesting 2 boys in my house while spending the night. They were having fun playing video games, play wrestling, & snacking on goodies. They were so loud that I had to stay up & keep telling them to quiet down, till they all fell asleep, about 3am, because my husband was sleeping & I didn't want them to wake him up. When I finally got to go to bed, they were all sleeping. 1 on a mattress, 1 on the bed & 1 in a large chair in the bed room. My husband got up at about 5:30-6:00 AM & he checked on the boys. They were all still asleep & lying in the same spots they were when I had last seen them. So I know that nothing sexual went on. A few days later one of the boys was questioned by his Grandmother, (who was sexually abused as a child) if anyone had ever touched him sexually. He told her no, but she kept harassing/asking him several times, until he finally said yes. He told her that my son had sex with him & the other boy the night they spent the night, & several times before that. The 2nd boy denied this. Then later, after several harassing questioning & going over what the 1st boy had said happened, he joined in on the accusations. Everything they had testified to was disproved by our lawyer & our Lawyer even caught them lying under oath. Also the Medical examination disproved any sexual penetration on either of the boys. But the judge decided that it was my son that was Quote “lying through his teeth.” Found him Guilty & sentenced him to a Juvenile detention center, not to exceed his 21st B Day. He now has been in prison for 1 yr 3 mo & spent 2 birthdays in there. He is still clinging to the fact that he is innocent, he has refused the sex offenders treatment classes he has to take in order to get released, because to complete the classes, he would have to admit to doing something he didn’t do. He says, that would be a lie & God doesn't like lyres. He doesn’t know or understand why these boys, his so called friends, turned on him. If they got mad at him, if they thought it would be cool, if they got in too deeply with the lies, if they were bribed or what. We are of cause appealing this judgment, but until it comes up, which it has been post pones twice now, an innocent boy is sitting in prison. If he doesn’t win this appeal, he will have to either complete the classes & lye in order to pass them, or sit in prison until he turns 21. Then he will have to register as a sex offender. He was arrested in Aug 2006. The Judges reelections were coming up in Nov that year. He was voted out of office, but didn’t have to leave till Jan 2007 right after he found my son guilty. We all feel this was his way of getting back at least at someone for voting him off of the bench. We really need to revamp the Juvenile sex offender laws. Kids are going to experiment, just the same way most of us did. That shouldn’t make them criminals. If you think differently, maybe you should be considered a criminal. Let kids be kids!
Posted by: Deb | Nov 4, 2007 4:04:30 PM
I have been abused several times through my life and I have not remembered until this week. I was abused by a female babysitter, my cousins were sexually abused by my uncle, and my cousin then sexually abused me (we were both children) I have forgiven my cousin because I now know what he went through with my uncle. Life is a learning curve and I have forgiven my abusers.
As time went on I graduated high school, worked in banking, and telecommunications, who says life is ruined after abuse?
You cant change the past, but you can make the future, and anybody who tells you differently is nothing but a lethargic devil.
sex offenders can be rehabilitated i strongly believe this.
Posted by: Sex | Jun 1, 2008 11:31:24 PM
I'm not sure how much help I can get or if I am in the right spot. I know someone who is in jail right now for child molesataion, F4. He is 20 and the girl is 14. It was consensual, although I believe her grandmother is pressing the charges if not, the state, colorado, is. She had told my friend that she was 17 so he did not know how old she really was. I don't believe there is any evidence that anything did happen. I am hoping to find how much time he will be serving. He was told, minimum 2-4yrs and max 8-16.
Posted by: Kayle F | Jun 15, 2008 11:57:10 PM
Reading out of interest R/T friend of 50 yrs, retired teacher having explicit conversation on internet with underaged girl who initiated this conversation. Her father reported and he is now in Fed. Corr. Complex for 44 mths. I KNOW he is not a preditor and had never had contact with this girl. HE did something very stupid and is paying a very irrational price. Don't know how to help him but just know he should not be in FCC for 44 mths. Would put my life on the line that he would NEVER make such a stupid mistake again. Thanks for listening to me vent my frustration. Janet Drennan, retired RN,BSN certified inpatient obstetrical nurse.
Posted by: Janet Drennan | Jul 15, 2008 3:20:34 PM
Posted by: | Oct 14, 2008 9:02:51 AM
My daughter was molested and raped by her older half-brother when he was 12 and she was 4. He also molested his (ex)best-friend's little brother. He received "treatment" and was released to the care of his mother. Since then he has blamed everyone else for his behavior, including an incident where he sliced his hand open trying to stab a family member. His mother told the hospital he did it while cutting an apple. She also covers up everything else he does with lies and calls my daughter "a whore" who was "asking for it". His juvenile records will be sealed and nobody will have advance warning of the danger he poses to their children. He has permanently scarred two children's lives (that we KNOW of) AND the lives of their families. In my opinion, there is no suitable rehabilitation. There is no punishment harsh enough. He knew what he was doing, and he knew it was wrong. He did it anyway. Anyone who molests children should never see the light of freedom again. Ever.
Posted by: Danni | Aug 13, 2009 2:09:35 PM