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March 31, 2005

Yesterday's SCOTUS action

As previously discussed here, the Supreme Court yesterday considered Wilkinson v. Austin concerning what hearing process is required before an inmate can be transferred to a "supermax" facility.  Reports on the argument are provided by this AP article and this Pittsburgh Post-Gazette article.

The Court also issued an opinion in a habeas case, Rhines v. Weber, concerning the consideration of "mixed" habeas corpus petitions (that is, a petition containing both exhausted claims and unexhausted claims).  The Second Circuit Blog has a localized discussion of Rhines here.

And speaking of SCOTUS, I have the honor this morning of sharing a studio with Lyle Denniston who reports on the Court for SCOTUSblog.  Lyle and I will be discussing Blakely issues and death penalty issues as part of a show put together by the The Massachusetts School of Law's "A Question of Law" program.

March 31, 2005 at 10:01 AM | Permalink


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