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April 3, 2005
A new leader for the Criminal Division of DOJ
I am back in Ohio after a long time away, and I return to find notable news with Booker implications coming from the executive branch. As detailed in this law.com article and in this post from White Collar Crim Prof Blog, Alice Fisher is to be nominated by President Bush as the new head of the Justice Department's Criminal Division (replacing out-going head Christopher Wray).
Ms. Fisher is a partner at Latham & Watkins (which provides this bio) and she was a Deputy AAG when Michael Chertoff led DOJ's Criminal Division. But, interestingly, she has never served as a federal prosecutor and actually has experience on the defense side in white-collar cases.
Of course, I will be most interested to see how Ms. Fisher might wade into the Booker debate. But other issues may be a higher priority for Ms. FIsher, especially since I am starting to sense that DOJ may be content these days to watch the Booker world unfold for a few more months before pushing for any major legislative responses.
April 3, 2005 at 03:06 AM | Permalink
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