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April 9, 2005

Death penalty items around the blogsphere

A few items concerning the death penalty have caught my eye around the blogsphere:

April 9, 2005 at 11:06 PM | Permalink


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Don't miss Meet Vernon , the first blog by a death row inmate.

Posted by: talkleft | Apr 10, 2005 12:43:34 PM

I saw this posting and thought you might be interested in checking out our website and blog: www.deadinethemovie.com. The site was created as an outreach tool for our film, Deadline, which chronicles the former governor of Illinois, George Ryan, and his historic decision to grant clemency to 167 inmates on the state's death row.

The film premiered at The 2004 Sundance Film Festival and was picked up by NBC in a first time aquisition of an independent documentary by a major network. It aired on NBC's Dateline last summer and reached over 6 million viewers. Since then, we've been in full swing on a massive outreach campaign which included our website and blog.

Our blog is updated daily with death penalty news, reports from various screenings around the US and features guest bloggers such as Sherri Silverstein from Equal Justice USA.

Maybe we can post a blog about your blog or vice versa?


Beth Davenport
Outreach Coordinator
Big Mouth Productions/Arts Engine, Inc.
[email protected]

Posted by: Beth Davenport | Apr 27, 2005 4:07:55 PM

I am a retired Electrical Engineer, so most of my life I have dealt with things that either worked or did not work based on the physical laws that are the basis for all engineering design. What I would like to see done is the development of a truth detector that is 99.9% accurate, and the repeal of the 5th amendment barring self incrimination. This would get rid of any lingering doubts regarding guilt or innocence in capital crimes. I think then the support for capital punishment would be much higher.

Posted by: Ken Holtzclaw | May 2, 2005 11:51:12 AM

Professor Berman,
I want to compliment you on the quality of your site, the various links are very interesting. I will recommend this site to anyone who is interested in the subject matter.

Posted by: Ken Holtzclaw | May 2, 2005 1:18:57 PM

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