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April 22, 2005
In good (elitist?) company
Thanks to Howard Bashman at How Appealing, I see that on-line here is a piece from Legal Affairs magazine by Lincoln Caplan which uses this blog/blawg as a jumping off point for making observations about blogs and blawgs. Also getting kind mention, along with How Appealing, are The Volokh Conspiracy and Underneath Their Robes.
If you do not know the difference between blogs and blawgs, you will have to read Lincoln Caplan's article. Based on the article's themes, I apparently risk betraying my caste were I to bother to explain the distinction. For, according to the article's concluding line: "while blawgs are blogs, they rarely have the populist touch that is supposed to make blogs blogs."
In all seriousness, thanks to Legal Affairs and Lincoln Caplan for the spotlight. However, I am now a bit worried that the article will reveal to Tom DeLay that Justice Kennedy is not the only SCOTUS member who does research on the internet.
April 22, 2005 at 02:32 PM | Permalink
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