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April 25, 2005
Lunchtime around the blogsphere
A quick mid-day tour of blogs has led me to a number of items that merit linking, especially because they cover a range of sentencing topics that has recently had me thinking (and blogging):
- Grits for Breakfast has in this post an interesting recent of "recent items on Texas' probation and sentencing reform front;" the post raises some themes covered in my speculation here about a "new right" on criminal sentencing issues.
- INCourts has this post the status of the Indiana Blakely cases to date; it reinforces my recent post documenting the impact of Blakely in the states.
- TalkLeft here and White Collar Crim Prof Blog here discuss notable recent DOJ transitions, which have me thinking again about what's going on at DOJ.
- White Collar Crim Prof Blog here and PRACLD Blog here have more coverage and commentary on all the folks speaking out against the Booker fix provisions of H.R. 1528; I have described the basics of that bill here, and lots of commentary on the bill can be found at links here and here and here.
UPDATE: An afternoon tour of the blogsphere suggests adding this items:
- SCOTUSblog here provides details on procedural developments in the death penalty phase of the Zacarias Moussaoui terrorism case.
April 25, 2005 at 12:44 PM | Permalink
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As always I find your postings timely and compelling. As a criminal defense lawyer in Houston, Texas, I can only hope that public opinion will support a revamping of the punishment systems in both the state and federal courts. Both systems should focus on crafting sentencing alternatives to youthful and/or first time offenders. It is disturbing to see so many young people sentenced to extreme periods of incarceration, especially when they are being used as “mules” to carry drugs in amounts that expose them to a lifetime behind bars. It is now all too common to find young offenders charged with possessing drugs in amounts that were once reserved to high level drug traffickers. I don’t know the answer to the drug problem, but I do know that something needs to be done to improve our system of punishment, which as it stands now is unjust and in many cases completely blind to the unique circumstances of the defendant and particular facts of the case.
John Floyd, Criminal Defense Lawyer, Houston, Texas
Posted by: John Floyd | Apr 25, 2005 4:48:05 PM