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April 24, 2005

State of state Blakely fixes and high court rulings

With the recent news of legislative Blakely fixes in Indiana (details here) and Washington (details here), as well as the recent state supreme court work in Tennessee (details here, commentary here and here) and Washington (details here), I thought it might be useful to collect in one spot some of the prior posts in which I have reported on major developments in state legislative Blakely fixes and state high court rulings.  So, in alphabetical order, here are some of those prior posts:



Of course, this lengthy list of prior posts tells only part of the state Blakely story.  I know that there have been major Blakely developments in California, Colorado, Ohio, New Mexico, New Jersey and North Carolina, but these developments have not yet, to my knowledge, led to a legislative fix or a state high court ruling.  But, on only the 10-month anniversary of Blakely, it is remarkable to see all the impact Blakely has already had in the states.

April 24, 2005 at 08:39 PM | Permalink


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I need to know where to get the briefs and opinions to U.S. v. Greer WL3963-68. If you could help it would be great. Thanks

Posted by: barb | Apr 24, 2005 10:08:47 PM

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