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April 9, 2005

Summarizing all the Booker action

I was pleased to discover on the US Sentencing Commission's Booker page that the USSC has prepared and posted this extended memo on "Selected Post-Booker Decisions."  Running 55 pages, this memo provides an in-depth primer on all the leading district and circuit rulings, but only through March 16, 2005.

A little more up-to-date is the latest version of the extended outline of post-Booker decisions by Frances Pratt, which is available here and now runs 64 pages.  That outline is current through April 3.  And the most notable rulings since April 3 are linked in this post, including the 10th Circuit's plain-error ruling yesterday in Gonzalez-Huerta which itself serves as a summary of a number of Booker issues.

April 9, 2005 at 08:49 AM | Permalink


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