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April 18, 2005

The Booker GVRs are back

After a two week break, the Supreme Court is back in business today.  And, as has become its custom over the last three months, Mondays at the High Court now start with an order list that includes a bunch of Booker-inspired GVRs.  This morning I count nearly 30 such GVRs, and now I am thinking we might have over 1000 such orders before this term is finished.  (Previous GVRs can be tracked down through this post.)

Also, as reported here by SCOTUSblog, the Supreme Court today "refused to reopen the 1998 decision in Almendarez-Torres [as it] denied a motion to file a petition for rehearing" in that case.  (That petition was previously discussed here.)  Thus, it appears some other case will be needed to satisy Justice Thomas' desire for the to "consider Almendarez-Torres' continuing viability."

April 18, 2005 at 10:38 AM | Permalink


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