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May 15, 2005

Still more criticisms of gang bill

Last week in this post, I detailed some of the emerging criticisms of the House's passage of an anti-gang bill, HR 1279, which includes a number of mandatory minimums.  In recent days I have seen, in addition to the Miami Herald's strong editorial against the bill, a few more editorials expressing displeasure with the House's political posturing. 

I also noticed that FAMM has created this interesting scorecard indicating who voted for and against HR 1279 and FAMM is encouraging folks to "send an email to thank or scold [your representatives] for their vote."

UPDATE:  I now see two more potent editorials which also see through the rhetoric being espoused in support on HR 1279:

May 15, 2005 at 08:11 PM | Permalink


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I am a mother of a child who was senteced in 1979 he was barely 17 yrs old now is 25 yrs old. he is serving the 85% for second degree murder which was his lawyers work. we feel this was not fair justist to our son . he did not kill anyone but because he was there when it happened we were told by his attorney. we are opposing H. R. 1279

Posted by: Marcia Mann | Aug 10, 2005 3:30:38 PM

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