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May 3, 2005

The more things change...

I just got word that this afternoon Wisconsin US District Judge John Shabaz resentenced Freddie Booker to the same 30-year sentence that he initially received (as I vaguely predicted in this morning post). I will leave it to readers to decide whether Won't Get Fooled Again or Once in a Lifetime or Desparado is the appropriate tune to play in the background as we consider this development and the rest of the post-Booker world.  I will be interested to hear the reaction of T Chris of Talk Left, who represented Booker and helped secure his "victory" in the Supreme Court.

UPDATE: In this post, T Chris reports he is "disappointed, to say the least."

Relatedly, does anyone know when Ducan Fanfan is scheduled to be resentenced?

May 3, 2005 at 04:31 PM | Permalink


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