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June 21, 2005

Background on AG Gonzales' proposed Booker fix

In coming posts, I will have lots to say (and lots of questions) about Attorney General Alberto Gonzales' major policy speech on Tuesday in which, as detailed here, he advocated Booker legislation fix in the form of "the construction of a minimum guideline system."  But before dissecting the speech, I can provide links to early news coverage from the Washington Post, the AP, the New York Times, and Knight Ridder.

It seems the so-called "minimum guideline system" advocated by AG Gonzales is a version of (or variation on) what had been called the Bowman proposal or topless guidelines in the wake of Blakely, and also what has been proposed in section 12 of a drug sentencing bill, known as HR 1528, that surfaced and received subcommittee approval in the House of Representatives in April.  Below I have provides links to some of my prior coverage of these federal sentencing proposals:

Post-Blakely discussion of the Bowman proposal (aka topless guidelines)

Post-Booker discussion of the the Booker fix provisions of HR 1528

June 21, 2005 at 11:57 PM | Permalink


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» What's Up With AG Gonzales? from Law Dork
Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has been all over the news these past two days. From the explosive speech he gave advising a Booker "minimum-sentence guidelines" fix to the Chicago Tribune's extensive discussion of Gonzales in its just-as-explosive s... [Read More]

Tracked on Jun 22, 2005 2:15:35 PM

» What's Up With AG Gonzales? from Law Dork
Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has been all over the news these past two days, from the explosive speech he gave advising a Booker "minimum-sentence guidelines" fix to the Chicago Tribune's extensive discussion of Gonzales in its just-as-explosive s... [Read More]

Tracked on Jun 22, 2005 2:26:21 PM


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