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June 19, 2005

Big Supreme Court week ahead

According to the folks at SCOTUSblog, the US Supreme Court will be issuing opinions on both Monday and Thursday this week.  Howard Bashman at How Appealing does a great job here detailing the 17 argued cases still pending, a number of which include habeas issues and a few of which could speak to a range of sentencing issues.

Equally exciting, we may hear on Monday whether SCOTUS will take up Booker plain error in the Rodriguez case.  Since the SG has called for cert. to be granted (details here and also here), I am certainly expecting to hear that the Supreme Court will jump in to resolve the three-way circuit split on this major Booker pipeline issue.

And certainly not to be overlooked, as detailed here, we are supposed to be getting on Monday a decision from the Supreme Court of California in People v. Black, the big state Blakely case argued back in April.  Since Blakely has made a major mess in California for a year now, I am very interested to see how Black tackles Blakely in California.

June 19, 2005 at 11:42 PM | Permalink


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