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July 13, 2005

More buzz about Sensenbrenner letters

The remarkable letters that House Judiciary Chairman James Sensenbrenner wrote to the Chief Judge of the Seventh Circuit and to AG Alberto Gonzales concerning the decision in US v. Rivera continue to garner attention in the media and in the blogsphere.  The media brings us this article from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, which details that Sensenbrenner "has come under fire for second-guessing a federal appeals court."  And the blogsphere brings us this interesting post by Ron Wright at Prawfsblawg, which spotlights a "conflict of views about judges-as-agents versus judges-as-value-adders at sentencing." 

For more background and commentary on the Sensenbrenner letters, see:

July 13, 2005 at 03:00 AM | Permalink


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I have uncovered evidence that Sensenbrenner not only interferes with the constitutional right to jury trial in criminal cases, he is accepting compensation from parties to civil litigation to act as their agent by communicating ex parte with judges and/or their law clerks to intimidate them to influence the outcome in favor of Sensenbrenner's 'employers', i.e. the party paying the bribes, a felony under 18 U.S.C. 201/203 and obstruction of justice within the meaning of 18 U.S.C. 1503.
'Anonymous' is finishing a book on this subject, on Sensenbrenner and Feeney, entitled INTELLIGENT DESIGN that will be on the market in about February, just in time for the election and the shareholder meeting of a telecom that spent over $250,000 to defeat a derivative shareholder suit attempting to recover $18 million from the insurer of its Board that caused the injury by failing to supervise the corporation's executives.

Posted by: Marc Dahlberg | Nov 4, 2007 3:57:56 PM

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