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July 22, 2005
More interesting criticism of HR 1528
Thanks to this post by David Kopel over at The Volokh Conspiracy, I see that Mike Krause and David have produced this potent Issue Paper for the Independence Institute which assails H.R. 1528, the drug sentencing bill with the tacked-on Booker fix provisions. (Prior discussion and lots of commentary on this bill can be found at links here and here and here, and other opposition to H.R. 1528 is discussed here and here and here.)
The Issue Paper is titled "H.R. 1528: A Threat to Gun Owners, Families, and Privacy" and it dissects the many remarkable and disconcerting provisions of the bill. Here are the concluding passages of the Issue Paper:
H.R. 1528 is in no way a "conservative" bill. The bill:
• Assaults the Second Amendment.• Assaults family privacy.• Tries to turn family members, college students, and neighbors into informers.• Recklessly intrudes into homes and other local spaces that are the proper concern of state and local governments, not the Congress.• Imposes draconian mandatory sentences, which are contrary to fundamental principles of justice, and of letting the punishment fit the crime.Nor does H.R. 1528 reflect the best "liberal" values of open-mindedness, tolerance, and empiricism. Rather, H.R. 1528 continues the failed drug war policies of the past. At a time when our nation is under attack by radical Islamic terrorists, H.R. 1528 would divert federal law enforcement resources that should be used to hunt down al Qaeda spies, not to prosecute parents who deal with their children's misbehavior without the need to call the police.
July 22, 2005 at 02:50 AM | Permalink
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