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July 14, 2005
Sentencing around the blogsphere
A quick mid-afternoon tour of blogs has led me to a number of items that merit linking:
- White Collar Crim Prof Blog here collects a lot of links to media coverage and commentary on the 25-year sentence given yesterday to Bernie Ebbers and the sentencing of other white-collar offenders.
- The Sixth Circuit Blog has a series of posts on recent Booker cases from the Sixth Circuit, including this post on an unpublished case which holds that failure to object to PSR facts constitutes Booker "admission."
- The Seventh Circuit Blog also has some new sentencing posts, including this post on a noteworthy case from the Seventh Circuit earlier this week which the court held that Crawford had no application at sentencing and had some interesting ex post facto dicta.
- TalkLeft here has the news on the death sentence handed out in a federal case today in Vermont.
July 14, 2005 at 03:32 PM | Permalink
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