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July 30, 2005

State investigation into Sensenbrenner's letters

This story from the Chicago Tribune reports that the "state agency that oversees lawyer conduct in Wisconsin has been asked to investigate Rep. James Sensenbrenner for sending a private letter to the U.S. Court of Appeals in Chicago demanding a longer prison sentence for a drug courier."  As noted previously in this post, the Alliance for Justice has recently urged an ethics investigation into the Sensenbrenner letter criticizing the Seventh Circuit's decision in US v. Rivera.  Background on this flap is available here, with commentary here and here and collected here

UPDATE: A helpful reader has sent me a copy of the letter sent to the Wisconsin Office of Lawyer Regulation regarding Sensenbrenner.  It can now be downloaded below.  Also, TChris at TalkLeft has some commentary on this latest development here.

Download sensenbrenner_grievance_letter.doc

July 30, 2005 at 07:35 AM | Permalink


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