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August 9, 2005

More post-Booker data from the USSC

There were too many great moments from day 1 at the NASC Conference for me to relay them all at this late hour.  (I hope after the conference to report some highlights later this week.)  But I can easily relay that, to my great excitement, the US Sentencing Commission produced a new post-Booker data run for the conference. 

The latest, greatest USSC post-Booker data were "extracted at close-of-business on July 12, 2005," which marks exactly six months after the Booker decision.  These data cover roughly 27,000 cases and are presented in an extensive set of tables and charts available at this link.  Telling similar stories to the data released last month (details here and here, commentary here), the latest numbers include a lot of interesting circuit-by-circuit information and data on average sentence lengths, pre- and post-Booker

August 9, 2005 at 12:39 AM | Permalink


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